Lets talk fertilizer….no gardening experience necessary.

Let’s take a second and consider all the extraordinary things that happen up there in your brain.

All those stored memories that have the power to make you feel emotional – happy, sad, excited….. watching loved ones whose brains have lost the ability to retain memories is no easy task.

How about all those incredible hormones that we rely on so much for optimal health? Our brains play a pivotal role in life – we cannot survive without it.

Now take a second to imagine all the billions of tiny brain cells up there (also known as ‘neurons’). They don’t just hang around in your brain taking up space and watching the world pass by – they are working hard for the money! Incredible magic happens up there (well…. hopefully).

So what if someone asked you how you take care of such a special organ, what would you say?

What if someone told you there was a way to keep your brain cells strong whilst supporting them to flourish?

And…..wait for it…..its free?

Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) is naturally released by your brain. Essentially, your brain is producing its own fertilizer (I wish my garden would do the same!)

When your brain releases BDNF, it activates a series of genes that promote the production of brand-new brain cells. BDNF also strengthens the brain cells that you already have. How amazing is that? But wait, there is more! Along with keeping you mentally alert and improving memory, here are just some other benefits of high levels of BDNF:

• Elevates mood: Higher levels of BDNF are associated with warding off depression.
• Boosts weight loss: Clinical trials have shown the more overweight a person is, the lower their BDNF levels are.
• Improves sleep: BDNF can help you sleep better by increasing your slow brain waves during your deepest stage of sleep.
• Protects against neurodegenerative disease. Research suggests that high BDNF may lower your risk of developing neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.

As you get older, BDNF levels start to decline naturally. Here’s 3 things you can do to help keep ‘em high:

1) Optimise your DEEP sleep: There are four sleep stages, and you cycle through them every 90 minutes or so. You spend about a third to half the night in stages 3 and 4, the ones that give you deep, restorative sleep and its during the deep sleep that BDNF is released. Prepare for sleep by limiting or eliminating all junk light at 1-2 hours before bed. This includes phones, laptops, TVs. If you cannot be without them, try blue light blocking glasses.

2) Meditation: By now we get the picture that constant stress on our bodies is not a gift of health….so its no surprise that stress is toxic to BDNF. Meditation, which decrease stress is therefore a fabulous gift to our brain cells. Try googling different kinds of guided breathing meditations. Start with 5minutes in the morning or before bed, and then work up to 10/15 minutes.

3) Sunlight: Sun exposure increases BDNF. As well as improving mood, increasing vitamin D production. Get out in direct sunlight for 10-20 minutes a day. Leave your sunscreen and sunglasses at home!

If you are interested to learn more about Paleo Diet and its benefits download our book “The Ultimate Paleo Diet Guide – Your Key to Healthy Weight Loss” available on our website https://paleowellnessretreat.com/

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