What is a Good Breakfast for the Paleo Diet

So, you’re thinking of trying the Paleo Diet, but you’re feeling a little intimidated. Don’t worry, that’s completely normal!

A lot of people are a bit unsure when they first start this type of diet. There are a lot of rules to memorise, and starting the Paleo Diet may seem difficult until you get a good variety of meal options in your repertoire.

Breakfast, in particular, is the hardest meal of the day for some people. If you normally have toast, that’s off the table because it is made from bread. If you love a croissant, that’s no good either because it’s a processed pastry. Oatmeal? That’s off the list. Breakfast cereal? That’s gone too! The most obvious solution is eggs… scrambled, fried, omelettes, there are plenty of options. However, it’s easy to get bored of eggs before too long.

Great Paleo Breakfast Ideas

There are actually a lot of options for paleo breakfasts that aren’t just variations of ‘eggs’. Here are a few simple but really tasty ideas.

1. Sweet Potato Muffins

You can make a muffin using mashed sweet potato, shredded coconut, almond flour and grated apple. These taste like a delicious sweet treat, but they are surprisingly healthy and filling.

Paleo Pancakes

Traditional pancakes are a no-go on the Paleo Diet, but you can make something that tastes just as good using coconut flour mixed with coconut milk. Your favourite fruit toppings are Paleo-approved, so you can customise these any way that you like.

Breakfast casseroles

If you want something a bit more savoury, then try a breakfast casserole. Mix your favourite meats with sweet potato, bacon and kale. Use eggs and your chosen milk alternative, combined with a little nutritional yeast, to make the ‘sauce’. Once you get the balance right you will find that it tastes nice and creamy, even without having real milk in it.

Avocado smoothies

While any type of fruit smoothie is technically paleo approved, it’s not really a great idea to start your day by putting a lot of fruit and berries into a blender. by doing this, you can be unwittingly making a very sweet, fructose-rich calorie bomb.

It’s a tasty way to start the day, but it’s not the best for your hunger levels or calorie count.  An avocado-based smoothie is a much better option. Try mixing avocado and banana for something that is full of healthy fat, and potassium, and will keep you ticking over until lunchtime.

There are lots of low-effort breakfast ideas that will work for the Paleo Diet. It might take a little getting used to, and you will want to experiment to figure out things like which milk you prefer (some people swear by almond, some people prefer coconut, and there are many other options).

Then you also need to work out what flour alternatives you enjoy. Sweet potatoes are a great, versatile option that will work with the Paleo Diet both for savoury and sweet dishes.

Once you get the hang of it, you will find that a whole new world of cooking options has opened up for you.

If you are interested to learn more about Paleo Diet and its benefits download our book “The Ultimate Paleo Diet Guide – Your Key to Healthy Weight Loss” available on our website https://paleowellnessretreat.com/

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