How Can I Lose Weight Without Starving Myself?

A lot of people find weight loss difficult because they make the mistake of assuming that the only way to lose weight is to either spend endless hours in the gym or to eat next to nothing.

Both of those assumptions could not be further from the truth.

If you want to lose weight, then the best thing to do is to make small, simple changes that you can stick to in the long term. That doesn’t mean cutting your calorie allowance down to the bare minimum for a week or two then going back up to what you used to eat (if you do that, you will gain the weight back).

Rather, it means learning what you need to eat for the body you want to have and working towards eating that amount in the long term.

Finding Ways to Follow a Healthy Diet

What food should we be eating?  That’s the part that some people find tricky. If you are currently eating a lot of processed foods or junk foods then you will struggle to stay within a reasonable and healthy calorie allowance.

The Paleo Diet is a good option for a lot of people because it is so much more satisfying. The Paleo Diet involves eating meat and fish, fruit, vegetables, seeds and nuts and avoiding processed foods, sugars and grains.

This diet is naturally high in protein and healthy fats, and those things are essential for your overall health, as well as being very filling and slow to digest. If you eat a pastry for example, you will find that your body digests the carbohydrates and sugars in it quickly.

You get a blood sugar spike, and then a crash. Your levels of leptin (which regulates hunger) and insulin (which is used to regulate your blood sugar levels) will struggle to keep up with the changing energy levels because our bodies weren’t designed to digest cakes and pastries. They were designed to process nuts and seeds.

Healthy fats and protein are much better for keeping your stomach feeling full, and also for keeping your energy levels consistent over the course of the day.  

A lot of people find that when they try the Paleo Diet, they lose weight easily without counting calories because they simply do not want to eat as much.

They are satisfied with far less food and they have far more energy. Some people do need a little guidance to make good food choices, to figure out what to cook, and to stay on track, but once you have gotten used to the Paleo Diet it becomes something that becomes more of a lifestyle than a diet.


Weight loss is a long-term decision, and you should not starve yourself. Your goal should be to learn to eat for the body that you want to have and then maintain that for the rest of your life.

If you are interested to learn more about Paleo Diet and its benefits download our book “The Ultimate Paleo Diet Guide – Your Key to Healthy Weight Loss” available on our website

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